domenica 28 febbraio 2016

Introduction to WikiToLearn and me

Hi everyone!

I'm Martina, an undergraduate student at Politecnico di Milano and today I'm gonna talk you about my experience at WikiToLearn.

What is it WikiToLearn? 

WikiToLearn is a platform where knowledge is shared through an innovative way.
It's about merging teaching and studying into a cooperative writing and revision of notes and textbooks.
Open source gains in this context a profound and significant meaning, embracing naturally our philosophy.
Knowledge only grows if shared and this is possible also thanks to KDE community, which WikiToLearn is proudly part.
You can find here official FAQs which may help you to understand better what we do.

In this post I wanna go further because WikiToLearn is actually much much more than the project which you can see!

What is WikiToLearn to me?

WikiToLearn is a family. I found out that on the first sprint in Bormio when everything started.
Imagine: a dozen of unknown people, meeting up in a small town in the mountains, with the purpose of creating something useful but at the same time something that they didn't know yet.
It sounds magical weird, doesn't it?
I admit I was a little scare about it, but as soon as I got to know everyone I felt at home.

WikiToLearn has grown a lot since that days, but my feelings haven't changed: we are dozen of dozen of people from all over the world now, but it still feels like a family.
I've learned a lot from this experience, improving my coding skills and so on.
I've contributed to Latex to Mediawiki converter in its first version and I can't wait to learn something new, helping with tech stuff at the next sprint.

This is only a taste of WikiToLearn.
I will tell you more in the next days, before we meet up again for the sprint.
This time it will take place in Geneva, at CERN.

Bye guys,


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